Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic


Trump’s Arctic Goals Demand Icebreakers, but USA Struggles to Build Them

President plans to order 40 large icebreakers, but shipbuilding industry has been declining for decades.

US Army conducts extreme testing of tank M10 for Arctic deployment

Designed as an armored infantry support vehicle rather than a battle tank, the M10 Booker is on top of US Army’s modernization priorities, with plans to acquire 500 units for the role.

European Critical Minerals Strategy Gains Arctic Foothold

This acquisition represents an important step in Europe’s efforts to achieve strategic autonomy in critical minerals.

Increased Oil Drilling in Alaska on the Agenda With New Trump Administration

The oil and gas industry plays a crucial role in the economy of Alaska, but many Alaskans are also torn on the issue of increased oil drilling.

Innovative Drone Research Unlocks Secrets of Arctic Climate Change

Scientists are using meteorological drones to study how black volcanic dust affects climate change and weather patterns in Iceland.

Norway to Strengthen Arctic Monitoring with New Microsatellite

This microsatellite, the first in a planned constellation, will provide real-time, space-based monitoring of Norway’s Arctic waters.

US Advances Legally Mandated Drilling on Least Amount of Land Possible in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Biden administration has completed the final environmental review needed to advance oil and gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and stated that it would auction off the smallest legally allowable area – 400,000 acres – for potential drilling.

Chinese rig heads towards Norwegian Arctic drill site

Amid growing Norwegian concern for Chinese threats, the COSLProspector prepares for drilling at 71° North in the Barents Sea in Arctic.

The Arctic Ocean’s legacy persistent organic pollutants haven’t dropped

The presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in all the world’s oceans but one has been in steady decline since 2001, when 152 countries agreed on a comprehensive global ban.