Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic


Oulu hosts Arctic Frontiers Abroad, which focuses on future energy solutions and security

For two days, Oulu will focus on future energy solutions and security in the Arctic region.

Pentagon Arctic report calls for more investment to keep up

The Arctic strategy is short on specifics, but broadly pushes for greater spending on high-tech sensor and radar systems, a range of military equipment.

Scientists warn of ‘Mercury bomb’ in Arctic

Scientists have discovered that the melting permafrost in the Arctic is releasing toxic mercury into the water system.

Indians brave bitter cold & expenses

Indian travellers are enjoying unparalleled adventures in some of the most remote places and extreme environments in Arctic.

Climate lawsuit against Arctic oil progresses in the Court

Six young climate activists, Natur og Ungdom (Nature and Youth) and Greenpeace Nordic are submitting additional arguments to the ECtHR.

Arctic Shipping Routes: A Situational Assessment

Changing ice conditions, due to climate change, is reshaping potential Arctic shipping routes.

Chinese Boxships transiting the Arctic to avoid Red Sea route

Two Chinese container ships, Xin Xin Hai 1 and Xin Xin Hai 2, are navigating the Arctic using Russia’s Northern Sea Route to connect China with Europe.

Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries

Commercially important marine fish and invertebrate species will likely shift northwards under a warmer climate.

Finland finds the fuel of the future and beats hydrogen

Finland has just suddenly overtaken America, Japan and China and introduced the world to the hydrogen fuel of the future.

Accepting uncertainty in sustainable fisheries is essential in a rapidly changing Arctic

Climate change is making it almost impossible to decide how much, where and what to sustainably fish.