Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic


The youth vision of New Arctic cooperation

The activities of the Arctic Council have been largely paralyzed since March 2022, as six of the seven circumpolar countries announced a boycott of Russia.

Arctic Climate Science On The Bottom Of Cooperation

A chasm has grown between Russian and other scientists

Japan’s first arctic research vessel to be named “Mirai II”

JAMSTEC started building a research vessel capable of breaking ice in the Arctic.

An entrancing artist with her heart in the Arctic Circle

Heritage to produce work that is both joyous and bleak

Bellona meets with Arctic Council officials on black carbon and alternative energy in the polar region

Reducing ongoing pollution from black carbon, carving out green shipping corridors, using cleaner shipping fuels and pursuing an overall zero-emissions policy is needed.

Keeping next generation leaders in the Arctic

Challenges — including climate change — require emerging leaders

Newsletter: A New Arctic Reality

Without people, we have nothing to defend, the chief of police in Finnmark told me once.

Without Russia, the Arctic Council No Hope To Survive

It is easy to argue that the survival of the Arctic Council is in danger