UK launch new Arctic and Antarctic expeditions
The UK Polar Network and Clean Planet Foundation, with polar explorer Antony Jinman, have launched Science Expedition for young polar researchers. The UK Polar Network and Clean Planet Foundation have launched an Arctic and Antarctic Science Expedition. Antony Jinman is…
The Rise and Sudden Fall of the Arctic Council
With a NATO state back at its helm, the Arctic Council will officially resume its work.
Arctic exceptionalism is over
Today the Arctic Council, the main regional forum of the eight Arctic states, transferred its Chairmanship from Russia to Norway.
China Wants to Support Norway in Restoring the Arctic Council
“Promoting international cooperation in the Arctic is the way to go. Geopolitical competition and confrontation should not hinder international cooperation in the region. China is paying close attention to Norway taking over the chairship of the Arctic Council next month…
The EU in the Arctic
In light of growing global geopolitical turmoil, this article will discuss the rise of tensions in the Arctic and the EU’s Arctic interests.
The End of Arctic Illusions
While the Northern European Arctic states—Norway, Sweden, and Finland—have been eager to cooperate with Russia in the Arctic in good faith, Russia has used the narrative of “Arctic exceptionalism” and framing the region as a zone of low tensions as a screen for its military build-up.
Italy’s Growing Interest in the Arctic
The increasing accessibility of natural resources and transportation routes due to climate change has given impetus to the geopolitical significance of the Arctic over the last decades.
Another BRICS in the Wall – Or How Walls Are Replacing Cooperation in the Arctic
A mere month before Norway is due to take over the Arctic Council, 15 Russian diplomats are expelled from Norway. At the same time, another powerful international alliance is slowly, but systematically moving into the Arctic. The title is a…
Building new links with the Arctic
Arctic Frontiers Abroad conference takes place in Aberdeen. Continuing to build relationships with Arctic neighbours will help Scotland pursue shared ambitions and address common challenges, External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson has said. Mr Robertson was addressing the Arctic Frontiers Abroad…