Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic


NCSA Joins New Phase of Climate Project to Track Arctic Permafrost Thaw

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications will be part of a new project led by the Woodwell Climate Research Center to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in tracking Arctic permafrost thaw. Funded by a $5 million grant from, the…

Google teams up with climate scientists to monitor permafrost with AI

Scientists are partnering with Google’s philanthropic arm to create a first of its kind, near-real-time way to monitor thawing permafrost across the Arctic. Why it matters: The Arctic is warming about three to four times faster than the rest of the world, causing areas of…

The Rise of a Climate-Triggered Neurotoxin in the Arctic Tundra

Climbing temperatures in the Arctic tundra are transforming inorganic mercury deposited by power plants and other industrial polluters, some of it inert for decades, into a neurotoxin that is accumulating in the region’s lake sediments, wetland ponds, soils and food…

Arctic atmosphere has become significantly moister, regional storm activity increasing

“Being featured on the cover is a kind of international accolade for the work of our entire team,” says Professor Wendisch. “The publication will help to make our results even more visible beyond the narrow circle of specialists, within the…

Arctic sea ice comparison doesn’t disprove global warming

The claim: Comparing June 2006 and 2023 Arctic sea ice levels shows ’emissions-driven warming is a hoax’ A June 17 tweet (direct link, archive link) shows Arctic sea ice extent images from June 16, 2006, and June 16, 2023. The sea…

IMO greenhouse gas emission strategy needs teeth

The International Maritime Organization adoption of a revised, greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reduction strategy is a step in the right direction, but lacks the teeth needed to protect Arctic communities, says the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC). “Unfortunately, the IMO negotiations…

A Melting Arctic Will Bring Climate Disaster Without Urgent Action

As the Arctic’s reflective sea ice continues to melt, more and more heat is absorbed by the darker ocean underneath, disrupting the world’s weather and inflicting punishing and hugely expensive climate impacts in the U.S., U.K. and around the globe.

Hidden fumes from melting glaciers could speed up global warming

Melting Arctic glaciers are unearthing a new source of potent greenhouse gas, warns new research. As the Arctic gets warmer, scientists found shrinking glaciers are exposing bubbling groundwater springs which could provide an underestimated source of methane. It is the…

Arctic permafrost runoff driven by climate change

Rising temperatures and changes in precipitation are driving increases to streamflow in areas of high-latitude North America where permafrost dominates the landscape. “We saw long-term trends of increasing streamflows in the Arctic that reflect how deeper layers of the permafrost are thawing…