Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic


Protecting the Arctic and human health: The hidden potential of black carbon

The Arctic is warming up to four times faster than the rest of the planet. However, it is not just a fragile and beautiful ecosystem.

The race to the bottom

With the waning of sunlight, the pace of sea ice loss in the Arctic is slowing, and the seasonal minimum is expected in mid-September

The waning of Arctic summer

Arctic sea ice continued the fast retreat that was observed in July through August 10, followed by a brief slowdown, only to pick up pace again.


The chill is gone

Arctic sea ice cover retreated rapidly in July 2024, pushing the daily ice extent at the end of the month to the third lowest in the 46-year satellite record.

The 2024 Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent

The 2024 Arctic sea ice minimum extent will almost certainly occur at some point over the next month.

Record-setting heat waves are baking the Arctic region

Parts of the Arctic are enduring exceptionally high temperatures — up 30 to 40 degrees above normal — because of multiple intense heat domes.

In years to come, the Arctic Ocean will absorb less CO2

Due to the low temperature of the water, the Arctic Ocean absorbs an especially large amount of CO2 in relation to its size.

Turning the Tide for Imperiled Arctic Biodiversity

As carbon emissions rise and far-northern human activities expand, the fabric of Arctic ecosystems and the communities that rely on them continue to unravel.

Turkish arctic expedition seeks crucial insights into climate change

Expedition involves researchers from multiple Turkish institutions and international collaborators from Bulgaria and Chile.

Turkish scientists to restore damaged lands in Arctic region

Türkiye’s Arctic project aims to improve soil quality, ensure food security with innovative engineering solutions.