Leaping toward timely spring in Arctic Sea
Arctic sea ice extent increased along the lower 10 percent interdecile value, with the average monthly extent tied for fifteenth lowest in the satellite record.
Special Facts About the Arctic in March 2024
It looks as though the 2024 Arctic sea ice melting season has begun.
Arctic Strategy of Russia Enormous Shaken by Sanctions
Russia’s Arctic ambitions could be downsized because of sanctions and demand uncertainty.
Highlights from the Russian Arctic
Our main focus lies in identifying the factors that contribute to pollution risks and climate change.
The Formation and Surprise Impact of Antarctic Sea Ice
Antarctic sea ice likely reached its minimum extent of 768,000 square miles, tying for second lowest extent in the 1979 to 2024 satellite record.
The 2024 Maximum Arctic Sea Ice Extent for Quick Decisions
Of why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings…
Hidden gas (methane) emissions modulated by warming and vegetation activity
Wetland methane (CH4) emissions over the Boreal–Arctic region are vulnerable to climate change and linked to climate feedbacks, yet understanding of their long-term dynamics remains uncertain.
Can We Quickly Save Arctic Sea Ice?
More recently still I discovered the source of Matt’s optimistic, AMO based prediction of Arctic sea ice recovery.
Cold-resistant bacteria found in the Arctic can degrade crude oil
The Arctic region is being actively developed by humans, but it negatively affects the environment.