The chill is gone
Arctic sea ice cover retreated rapidly in July 2024, pushing the daily ice extent at the end of the month to the third lowest in the 46-year satellite record.
ArcticNet: Advancing knowledge on the Arctic
Canada’s ArcticNet aims to advance knowledge of the Arctic and provide innovative solutions to its challenges through scientific excellence, self-determined research, and collaboration.
Sailing The Northwest Passage Solo
Two sailors, one young and one old, have recently started their 2024 voyages through the Northwest Passage.
Facts About the Arctic in August 2024
In particular the sea ice between the North Pole and northern Greenland is remarkably fragmented.
Moscow’s Arctic policy is based on lies and corruption
Mikhail Krutikhin argues that several of the major industrial projects currently under development in the Russian Arctic are nothing but a scam and part of a grand corruption scheme.
Ancient Arctic Organisms Key Threat in Global ‘Polycrisis’
UN Environment Programme adds permafrost melt and AI-controlled drones to a long list of environmental and social threats.
Combatting Shipping Emissions in the Arctic
A particularly troubling form of pollution for the Arctic is emissions of black carbon.
Pan-Arctic methanesulfonic acid aerosol
Natural aerosols are an important, yet understudied, part of the Arctic climate system.
Peak of the melt season
July is the warmest month in the Arctic and hence also the month of peak sea ice loss.