Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic


Fresh Facts About the Arctic in December 2024

Christmas is coming, and even as we speak Snow White is heading for the geographical North Pole to assist Santa’s little helpers in their annual gift delivery mission.

Decorated Canadian veteran warns of Russian dangers in High Arctic

“We’re starting to get great messages now about the need to defend our High Arctic against the Russians who are sitting on the other side of the water,”

From the Ice to the Anthropocene: Arctic Globalization in a Warming World

This is the final installment of Barry Zellen’s series on Arctic geopolitics.

Regional fire–greening positive feedback loops in Alaskan Arctic tundra

Arctic tundra has experienced rapid warming, outpacing global averages, leading to significant greening whose primary drivers include widespread shrubification.

Facts About the Arctic in November 2024

The Laptev and East Siberian Seas have now refrozen. Consequently Arctic sea ice extent is now increasing more slowly.

Mapping Permafrost Thaw Is Essential for Understanding Climate Change

The Arctic is warming up to four times faster than the rest of the planet. This polar region is not only a canary in the coal mine, but it is a climate accelerator that won’t be stopped until humanity puts the brakes on fossil fuel emissions.

The End of Arms Control In The Arctic

The Arctic has become a hotbed of power struggles. The increase in the military presence of the great powers further complicated the region.

Arctic freshwater impacts carbon exchange

Researcher examines increasing freshwater effects on the Arctic Ocean and climate.

“China’s Intentions in The Arctic Are Unclear – And That is a Growing Concern”

The NATO officer also takes into account climate change and ice-free Arctic waters. If this happens, resources may become more accessible, such as moving fish stocks, oil, gas and minerals.