Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic


Arctic Sea Ice ranks as the third highest in the last 10 winters at the beginning of February and follows the normal growth of the 2010s

The Arctic sea ice takes center stage, showcasing a noteworthy ranking as the third-highest in the last 10 years.

The polar region of Alaska in the Arctic and permafrost

Permafrost is a crucial component in preserving the frozen state of these regions.

Time to Stop all the Fudges, Omissions and Outright Deceptions

Who is responsible for the inadvertent errors about ice?

Nothing Swift about strange and charm Arctic sea ice

Arctic sea ice growth was slower than average through most of the month

Interesting Facts About the Arctic in February 2024

A change is perhaps even better than a rest?

Army developing first Arctic doctrine in more than 50 years

The publication will be tactically focused for the Arctic and Subarctic

Bad Arctic Science from Jim Steele and Anthony Watts

How Bogus Arctic Warming Attribution Enabled the Climate Crisis Scam.

The Arctic This Week Take Five: Week of 15 January, 2024

Norway Awards Oil and Gas Licenses in the Arctic – Again

The Arctic This Week Take Five: Week of 8 January, 2024

Yukon Territory Launching an Arctic Security Advisory Council