Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic

Year: 2024

Arctic Icebreakers: Memorandum of Understanding Signed by the United States, Canada, and Finland

Icebreakers are a critical asset for Arctic security, providing a persistent presence and enabling countries to operate and assert their sovereignty in the region year-round.

Inuit Leaders and Federal Ministers Discuss New Arctic Foreign Policy for Canada

The new policy is expected to strengthen Inuit participation in international conversations about the Arctic and include the reinstatement of an Arctic ambassador.

Navy ‘too small’ to act for Britain in Arctic

Growing threats in the Arctic from Russia and China only highlight the Royal Navy’s lack of surface vessels and submarines, experts warn.

Norway to Strengthen Arctic Monitoring with New Microsatellite

This microsatellite, the first in a planned constellation, will provide real-time, space-based monitoring of Norway’s Arctic waters.

US Advances Legally Mandated Drilling on Least Amount of Land Possible in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Biden administration has completed the final environmental review needed to advance oil and gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and stated that it would auction off the smallest legally allowable area – 400,000 acres – for potential drilling.

France’s Strategic Role in NATO’s Arctic Ambitions: A Non-Arctic Power’s Perspective

Despite being located 1,600 kilometers away from the Arctic Circle, France holds an Observer seat on the Arctic Council. This role aligns with the country’s history of engagement in polar territories.

Planting Trees in the Arctic Could Make Climate Change Worse, Not Better

Not all environments benefit from afforestation, say researchers.

From the Ice to the Anthropocene: Arctic Globalization in a Warming World

This is the final installment of Barry Zellen’s series on Arctic geopolitics.

Regional fire–greening positive feedback loops in Alaskan Arctic tundra

Arctic tundra has experienced rapid warming, outpacing global averages, leading to significant greening whose primary drivers include widespread shrubification.