Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic

Year: 2024

How melting Arctic ice leads to European drought and enormous heatwaves

Fresh, cold water from Greenland ice melting upsets North Atlantic currents.

How climate change is altering Sami language

Can the specific language survive in a warmer world?

Leaping toward timely spring in Arctic Sea

Arctic sea ice extent increased along the lower 10 percent interdecile value, with the average monthly extent tied for fifteenth lowest in the satellite record.

India Seeks for Valuable Arctic Partnerships

In recent years, Russia has perceived India as one of its key partners in the Arctic.

Special Facts About the Arctic in March 2024

It looks as though the 2024 Arctic sea ice melting season has begun.

Arctic Strategy of Russia Enormous Shaken by Sanctions

Russia’s Arctic ambitions could be downsized because of sanctions and demand uncertainty.

Intriguing Wake up Call for Arctic Council

The activities of the Arctic Council are primarily supported by in-kind and financial contributions from those directly involved in specific projects.

The youth vision of New Arctic cooperation

The activities of the Arctic Council have been largely paralyzed since March 2022, as six of the seven circumpolar countries announced a boycott of Russia.

Highlights from the Russian Arctic

Our main focus lies in identifying the factors that contribute to pollution risks and climate change.