Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic

Year: 2024

The Arctic Council With New Decisive Step Forward

All Arctic countries agree that the Arctic Council’s working groups can resume meetings in a virtual format.

How to perform land restorations in the High Arctic

A recent paper in the journal Geoheritage provides new insights into how to restore active geological and slow biological processes in extreme environments.

Arctic Sovereignty: A Closer Look

Russia’s ambitious plans for the Arctic force the region’s other states to reconsider Russian thinking about how to manage potential points of tension.

Exploring the Impact of drastic Arctic Warming

Increased warming in the Arctic will be responsible for breaching the Paris Agreement’s 2°C threshold eight years earlier.

When will the Arctic be critical ice-free?

An ice-free Arctic is inevitable, but the good news is the polar region can quickly bounce back if we cut CO2 emissions.

Cancer-causing Radon in Arctic atmosphere

The melting of permafrost in the Arctic could release radioactive Radon into the atmosphere of the northern atmosphere, according to a newly published report

Seeking Arctic climate hope in the shrewd Dubai

For the first time, global warming has exceeded 1.5C across an entire year.

The Incredible Impact for Polar Bears

International Polar Bear Day casts a spotlight on the critical situation facing polar bears due to the disappearing Arctic ice and the impacts of climate change

The New Arctic: Strange Heat, Ecosystems Morph and Wildlife Struggle

Climate-driven changes are affecting other wildlife across this land of snow and ice.