Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic

Month: October 2024

The Arctic in Switzerland’s capital

The Polar Retrospective looks at stories of the past week that are related to the Arctic and Antarctic and focuses on one or more aspects.

The Triangle of Extraction in the Kola Peninsula

As of September 2024, it has been two years and seven months since Russia escalated its aggression in Ukraine into a full-scale invasion.

2024 Antarctic sea ice maximum extent finishes at second lowest

On September 19, Antarctic sea ice likely reached its annual maximum extent of 17.16 million square kilometers (6.63 million square miles). The 2024 maximum is the second lowest in the 46-year satellite record above only 2023.

Music stars perform on Arctic ‘iceberg’ in call for ocean and climate protection

British six-time Grammy winner, Jacob Collier, has collaborated with Norwegian alt-pop superstar, AURORA, for the first time in a magical performance in the Arctic, released today.

Ice Cores Show Pollution’s Impact on Arctic Atmosphere

Dartmouth study solves a marine mystery by tying ocean biomarker to pollution levels.