Arctic Watch

Facts About the Arctic

Month: July 2024

Pan-Arctic methanesulfonic acid aerosol

Natural aerosols are an important, yet understudied, part of the Arctic climate system.

Accepting uncertainty in sustainable fisheries is essential in a rapidly changing Arctic

Climate change is making it almost impossible to decide how much, where and what to sustainably fish as the fate of future fisheries is becoming increasingly uncertain.

Here’s how Europe’s Indigenous peoples are using food diplomacy to save the Arctic

The Sámi community want to protect their long-earned gastronomic traditions across the continent.

US, Canada and Finland form ‘Ice Pact’ to project influence into Arctic region

Partnership could produce up to 90 icebreaker ships to counter Russian and Chinese inroads into region

How a ‘boring’ Arctic town became Europe’s Capital of Culture

Set in an otherworldly landscape surrounded by glaciers, forests and lakes, this once-sleepy town has transformed into the ultimate gateway to the great outdoors.

Peak of the melt season

July is the warmest month in the Arctic and hence also the month of peak sea ice loss.

The Northwest Passage in 2024

Some “pleasure craft” are currently heading up the west coast of Greenland en route to the Bering Strait via Lancaster Sound and one of the assorted routes through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Facts About the Arctic in July 2024

This year’s median forecasted value for pan-Arctic September sea-ice extent is 4.48 million square kilometers with an interquartile range of 4.21 to 4.74 million square kilometers.

Arctic ice thinner near Canada; thicker elsewhere

The Arctic sea ice cover in June 2024 retreated at a below average pace, leading to a larger total sea ice extent for the month than in recent years.