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Wanted and Famous Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue

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The European Commission and the European External Action Service will jointly organise the EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue in Brussels, Belgium, on 14-15 May 2024.

A broad range of Arctic stakeholders representing governments, international organisations, civil society, industry, research, indigenous and local communities will feed into the discussions. Youth perspectives will feature prominently throughout the event.

The EU Arctic Forum will provide an opportunity to assess recent developments in the Arctic and to discuss challenges ahead. It will look at some of the achievements of the EU Arctic policy in recent years and will continue to provide a strategic outlook for the years to come. The Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue will offer a platform for discussion on Arctic matters affecting Indigenous Peoples.

The EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue will include keynote addresses and panel sessions focusing, among others, on international cooperation, sustainable and inclusive economic development in the Arctic, human and societal matters, addressing the risks and challenges posed by climate change, Arctic partnerships, or research, innovation and Arctic knowledge.

In addition, this year the EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues become a full segment in the programme. Building on the experience of the EU Arctic Forum 2023 in Nuuk and the overall objectives of the EU Arctic policy, the EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues have been envisioned and implemented with Arctic and European youth as co-creators, with notable involvement of Arctic Indigenous youth. The EU-Arctic Youth Dialogues will take place in the afternoon of 15 May, back-to-back to the EU Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue.

The events will be held physically, and web streaming will be available. Attendance to the events is free of charge but registration for in-person attendance and participation is mandatory. Check out the programme for more information.

Web streaming



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43 thoughts on “Wanted and Famous Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue

  1. I’m stoked for this dialogue! It’s about time we give a platform to the voices of the Arctic and indigenous communities.

  2. Looking forward to this forum! It’s gonna be a great opportunity to learn from some incredible individuals.

  3. This forum is gonna be a game-changer, no doubt. The lineup of speakers is top-notch and I’m ready to soak up all that knowledge.

  4. So excited for this event! It’s gonna be awesome to see the Arctic community and indigenous peoples come together for some real talk.

  5. The Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue is definitely a must-attend event for anyone interested in environmental issues and indigenous rights

  6. So excited for this dialogue! It’s about time we start prioritizing the voices of indigenous peoples in discussions about the Arctic.

  7. Looking forward to hearing from some of the most influential figures in the Arctic community at this forum. It’s going to be epic!

  8. I’ve always been fascinated by the Arctic and its indigenous peoples. It’s great to see a forum dedicated to their voices and perspectives.

  9. Hey, this Arctic Forum and Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogue sounds like a really important event. Can’t wait to see what comes out of it!

  10. This event has been incredibly valuable, and I appreciate all the hard work that went into making it happen.

  11. I am grateful for the chance to learn from and engage with indigenous communities and experts on Arctic issues.

  12. It’s crucial to bring attention to the voices and perspectives of the indigenous peoples in the Arctic region.

  13. This dialogue is a step in the right direction towards creating meaningful change and collaboration. Keep up the great work!

  14. It’s truly a remarkable opportunity to bring together diverse perspectives and voices in such an important conversation.

  15. It’s inspiring to see indigenous communities leading the way in sustainable development efforts. Their traditional knowledge and practices can teach us all valuable lessons on how to live in harmony with the environment.

  16. Collaborating with indigenous peoples is essential for achieving true sustainability. By working together, we can create a future that benefits both people and the planet.

  17. The resilience and resourcefulness of indigenous communities in pursuing sustainable development goals is truly commendable. Let’s continue to support and learn from their efforts.

  18. Indigenous peoples have a deep connection to the land and a unique perspective on sustainable living. It’s time we recognize their expertise and involve them in decision-making processes for a more inclusive and effective approach to development.

  19. By partnering with indigenous communities, we can ensure that our sustainable development initiatives are culturally sensitive, environmentally responsible, and socially just. Let’s work together towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

  20. I am truly grateful for the invaluable contributions of indigenous peoples to sustainable development. Their deep understanding of the land and ecosystems offers us vital lessons in harmony and balance. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world!

  21. Feeling incredibly thankful for the resilience and knowledge of indigenous communities in promoting sustainable practices. Your traditions and stewardship of nature inspire us all to be better caretakers of our planet.

  22. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to indigenous peoples who have championed sustainable development for generations. Your commitment to preserving biodiversity and cultural heritage is a beacon of hope for future generations.

  23. Thank you to all indigenous communities who are leading the way in sustainable development! Your unique perspectives and practices are essential in creating a more equitable and environmentally friendly world.

  24. I am so grateful for the rich cultural heritage of indigenous peoples, which plays a crucial role in sustainable development. Your voices are vital in shaping a future that respects both people and the planet.

  25. It’s crucial to recognize the invaluable knowledge that indigenous communities possess regarding sustainable development. Their traditional practices can offer innovative solutions to modern environmental challenges. Collaborating with these communities not only respects their rights but also enriches our collective approach to sustainability.

  26. When considering sustainable development, we must prioritize the voices of indigenous peoples. Their deep connection to the land and ecosystems can guide us toward more effective and respectful practices that honor both nature and culture.

  27. Incorporating indigenous perspectives into sustainable development initiatives is not just beneficial — it’s essential. These communities have thrived for generations by living in harmony with their environments, and we have much to learn from their experiences.

  28. Supporting indigenous-led sustainable development projects is a powerful way to promote environmental stewardship while empowering local communities. By investing in these initiatives, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

  29. To achieve true sustainability, we must engage with indigenous peoples as equal partners in decision-making processes. Their insights are critical for developing strategies that are not only effective but also culturally appropriate.

  30. In the harmonious dance of nature and culture, indigenous people embody a profound wisdom that guides sustainable development. Their deep connection to the land teaches us that true progress is not measured solely by economic growth, but by the preservation of our planet and its diverse ecosystems.

  31. As we reflect on the paths toward sustainable development, let us honor the voices of indigenous communities. Their age-old practices remind us that sustainability is rooted in respect for nature and a balanced relationship with our surroundings.

  32. The journey toward sustainable development can be enriched by embracing indigenous knowledge systems. These teachings offer invaluable insights into living in harmony with the earth, fostering a future where both people and nature thrive together.

  33. In our quest for sustainability, we must pause to listen to indigenous peoples who have nurtured their lands for generations. Their perspectives illuminate a path forward that honors tradition while embracing innovation — a beautiful blend of past and present.

  34. Sustainable development flourishes when we integrate the wisdom of indigenous cultures into our collective efforts. By valuing their relationship with the environment, we pave the way for solutions that resonate deeply with both humanity and nature.

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