“The time has come”, the Walrus said, “to talk of many things… Of why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings“.
And also about the assorted different Arctic sea ice extent metrics, and in particular their respective maxima for 2024.
Here is Zack Labe’s overview of previous years’ maxima from a few days ago:

Zack’s graph displays the JAXA/ViSHOP version of Arctic extent, so here too is JAXA’s own graph of the current sea ice extent:

JAXA extent is based on data from the AMSR2 instrument on the GCOM-W satellite, and shows no evidence yet of a local maximum, let alone an annual one for 2024.
However see also AWI’s “high resolution” AMSR2 area metric:

That has been declining since February 20th, and extent started declining yesterday:

With some more storms set to shake up the Atlantic periphery over the next few days, could the 2024 maximum have already been reached for at least one of the many metrics?
Watch this space!