One Planet – Polar Summit: The first Summit devoted to the preservation of glaciers and poles
This first international Summit devoted to glaciers and poles aims to strengthen international cooperation to preserve the cryosphere and glacial and polar biodiversity. The major representatives of the international scientific community along with political leaders and representatives, including French President…
The Arctic This Week Take Five: Week of 13 November, 2023
UK Deterrence and Assurance Conference in Scotland Sees Focus on High North Security
The Arctic for China’s Green Energy Transition
Various studies have pinpointed the strategic value of Arctic oil and gas for China. These energy reserves can enhance China’s energy security by increasing and diversifying its energy supply, particularly in the context of rapidly growing domestic energy demand and its heavy reliance on energy imports.
China’s Polar Silk Road: Long Game or Failed Strategy?
As China is striving to become a global power, including in maritime and transportation domains, the Arctic is of interest to China.
Norway reluctant to ban deep sea mining in the Arctic
Thirty-one countries have pledged to stop all deep-sea mining in polar regions at the One Planet Polar Summit, which ended in Paris on Friday (10 November), in a deal that Norway still needs to sign amid criticism of its recent…
No place for coal in the Arctic
Coal brought fortune to Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, but that bonanza became a curse for the remote group of islands – coal is now considered the most harmful fossil energy for the climate.
The Arctic This Week Take Five: Week of 6 November, 2023
Willow Oil Project in Alaska’s Arctic Given Approval to Proceed
Russia and China are opening a new anti-western front in the Arctic
On October 21 — exactly two weeks after what appeared to be deliberate EU-pipe and cable breakages in the Baltic Sea — Nato Admiral Rob Bauer made a major statement. “We must prepare for the fact that conflict can present…
EU urged to throw its economic weight behind Arctic conservation
Despite the EU having little direct say on the protection of poles and glaciers, advocates argued at the One Planet – Polar Summit, hosted in Paris from Wednesday to Friday (8-10 November), that its economic might can still be influential….